the new PURE,
silky and understated
In cooperation with Shera is a new super hard stone, type 4, emerged. www.shera.de
I-send - the Intelligent Work
and Transport Box
I-send is the intelligent solution to store and transport all patient-related working documents.
No repacking for transport; everything is neat and clean, can be disinfected, height-adjustable, lockable and discreet. In short: a patient-worthy experience and very practical for everyday work.
Let There be Light!
Kano, the Laboratory and Practice Light
- 5,700 degrees K colour temperature,
- outstanding colour reproduction
- 4,500 lux light
- indirect lighting
- can be set at three stops
- daylight quality in the laboratory and practice
- a minimalist design--either painted or powder-coated.
- the Kano is offered at an excellent price-performance-ratio
The Individualised Healing Cap – an Ingenious Invention
A temporary prosthesis and the soft tissue deformation can pose challenges for implants which were must solve every day in the laboratory and the dental practice.
My invention of the individualisable healing cap is promising. The healing cap is available in various basic designs which are geared to natural teeth. They consist of plastic (PEEK) and can be quickly and rationally filed to fit the individual situation and desired form.
The customisable healing cap is patented, and is on its way to product maturity.